Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mengelola Warnet
Memang bukan pekerjaan yang mudah untuk melanggengkan sebuah bisnis. Sepertinya ada saja masalah yang menghampiri.
Seperti ketika warnet di sambar petir, wuiiiihhh. berapa ethernet card kena????, sebuah monitor mati, dan yang vital cable modem rusak. beli sih gampang cable modem, tapi masalah selanjutnya adalah registrasi mac address ke ISP, harus menunggu hingga senin pula, berarti warnet tutup 2 hari. It cant be happened.....!!!.
Akal-akalan aja deh... bongkar itu motorola cable modem, dan alhamdulillah sedikit solder dan modem sudah bisa dipakai lagi deh.

English version
Managing internet cafe.
its not an easy job to take care a business problems come and go so quickly.
Its happened when the thunder hit my cable modem motorola. wuiiiiih, it crash my ethernet card, a crt monitor. Its an easy way to buy a new cable modem but its facing a new problem that is mac address registration. The ISP need time to registered my new cable modem. Thats mean i have to close my internet cafe for two days. so i decide to fix the cable modem by my own. well the hardest part is to open the cable modem. and with some effort finally i can fix the cable modem, thx God.

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